Monday, June 15, 2015


Vest-  Old Navy     option
shorts- Old Navy   option  option
top- Belk  option  option
shoes- Old Navy option  option
June 15, 2015
I have been embracing wearing wedges with shorts. I typically only wear them with skirts and jeans, but thanks to the GYPO Summer challenge I am embracing the wedges with shorts. Top photos are the Day 1 outfit- vest, flowy tank, print shorts, and wedges. I have an issue with the flowy tanks, really with tank tops in general. I don't like the way I look in tanks and if I'm bearing arms, I'd rather have more chest and back covered. So I guess I'm really a sleeveless blouse gal instead of a tank top gal. And even them I'm picky about sleeveless tops because if the edge cuts in the wrong place, I just look "round".
Below is a look with the wedges based on one of the Summer 2014 challenge outfits. I will say the necklace and wedges elevate the tee+ khaki shorts a bit. And I actually went shopping in this.

tee- Target
shorts- JCPenney
necklace- Our World Boutique
shoes- Old Navy
worn June 6, 2015
Linking up here:

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Printed shorts

Top- Loft outlet  option  option
shorts- Loft outlet option
hat- Old Navy
sandals- Target (old)  option  option
necklace- made by me  option  option
worn June 5, 2015
I don't normally post on Saturday or this late, but I'm getting a bit behind and I'm about to start the GYPO Summer challenge. I decided to go ahead and do an extra post since I hope to be taking more pictures than normal for the next three weeks. Don't worry, if you follow for the work outfits, and I assume you do unless you happened upon one of my rare posts like this one, I  will still be posting my work wear. I decided to do the challenge to have some easy go to ideas for the weekend. Sometimes, I get stuck when it comes to casual off duty wear.
I based this outfit off one of the 2014 summer formulas- prints shorts, bright tank, fedora, wedges. I substituted my flat sandals for the wedges.
Linking up here:

Friday, June 12, 2015

I forgot my shoes

Blazer- Sears
tank- Cato
pants- JCPenney
shoes- Payless
necklace- gift
Worn June 4, 2015
I wore some cute Mary Jane pumps with this outfit but also took these flats because I was concerned about the pumps being comfortable. They are one of the pairs that was given to me by my coworker and they were a little tight. I ended up wearing these flats at the end of the day for errands and forgot to bring the pumps home. So... you get the flats version. And you may see me in flats more and more because I have been struggling with some tendonitis in my left foot and knee pain in the right knee. I thought it was from running or exercise but I've begun to notice that even when I lay off the exercise, the foot pain flares up. Based on some research and self diagnosis, it's the constant wearing of high heels that may be causing this. So.... ice, ibuprofen and flats. Poo! I'm otherwise comfortable in heels and think they look so much better with dress clothes.

Linking up here:

Thursday, June 11, 2015