Thursday, December 31, 2015

Top 10 of 2015

Where did another year go? I can't believe we are closing out 2015. I celebrated some ten year milestones this year- ten years on the current job (twenty total in the career) and a ten year wedding anniversary. It was also a difficult year. We launched a photography business that is still in the growing phase (don't judge our work by blog photos- these are all self portraits with a timer). I won't speak publicly of some of the other trials but I'm hopeful next year will be better.

So, what are your goals for next year? Do you have any fashion or blog related goals? I'm still considering a capsule wardrobe idea, or at least pairing down so I'll have a more organized closet. That really comes down to getting rid of stuff and only keeping what I love and what will fit in the space I have for a closet. Ever notice how all those pretty pictures of neatly organized closets don't really contain that many clothes, or like only 9 pairs of shoes? Um, yeah, okay. Let's be real.

I'll close out this year (and this rambling) with a count down of the top ten posts (by number of views). I don't really consider these my favorite outfits of the year, but they got the most views. Thanks for visiting, commenting, and sharing my posts on your blogs. I wouldn't do this if it were not for all of you sweet people. Happy New Year!


Linking up here: