Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mannequin inspired

Blazer- Sears; blouse- Belks;
pants- JCPenney; shoes- DSW
necklace- thrifted and updated by me
Worn Sept. 5, 2013
Maybe I should have titled this department store outfit, since this is comprised of a piece from each of our "major" department stores. Yes, I'm in a small town and any cool store is 80-100 miles away.

Anyway, I saw something similar to this on the mannequin at Belk's. I actually bought the shirt displayed, but had these pieces to recreate the look. Have you ever looked at the store display for inspiration?

I apologize for the horrible lighting in the photos the past couple of days, but I know soon I will be forced to get up earlier for morning light or take photos indoors. ugh! There is not a good place indoors here for photos. I've been trying out a couple of new indoor spots.