Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Print skirt and VCRs

Blouse- Loft  similar  similar  similar
skirt- JCPenney  option  option   option
shoes- Belk  option
worn May 27, 2015

This morning the radio announcer asked if anyone still had a VCR and VHS tapes. He asked if anyone still watched those VHS tapes. Why yes, we do have a VCR, and for a good while, it was the way our whole system was routed through to make the surround sound and such work. Repair men, and especially the alarm guy who also does sound systems, would come in our home, look at my husband, and say "Sir is that a VCR?" As if it were a dinosaur or something.

I am happy to report we got Uverse a few months ago and we don't use the VCR. We didn't watch VHS tapes either, but like some callers on the radio, I think we have a few for sentimental value. SO, do you still have a VCR?

I last wore this skirt with a patterned top, but I wanted to get another wearing in while I was still inside my self imposed spring capsule. I paired it with the pale yellow button up. This outfit was so simple I almost felt like I wasn't dressed, but I was definitely cooler without a blazer.

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Monday, June 1, 2015

A personal challenge

Shirt- Target  option
shorts- Old Navy  option   option   option
necklace/earrings- Sears   option  option
shoes- Belks  splurge   option
worn May 25, 2015
I got these shorts on clearance at the end of last summer. I wore them once with a blue and grey graphic tee. I pulled them back out recently to take inventory for this summer. All I could think of for ways to wear them was with blue, grey or white. So I challenged myself to come up with something different. Lime green tee! Paired with the necklace, I think it ties together well. Now I think I could pair these with any bright color- coral, red, hot pink...what do you think?
Also, wearing the tall wedges with shorts is first for me too. Hey, where did I get those legs? I think they make me look taller and like I have long legs. I'm still not sure if I'm really comfortable with it. I've always stayed on the safe side with lower heels or flats with shorts, especially shorter ones. These are 5 inch inseams and about my limit on the short side. After all, I am over 40.
Hope you had a great weekend!
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Friday, May 29, 2015

Bring on Summer

Top- Forever 21 (thrifted)  option  option
shorts- Old Navy   
shoes- Payless   option   option
ring- Maurices
purse- Target  option   option
necklace- gift   option   option  option
worn May 22, 2015

The hubby and I took a weekend getaway trip over Memorial Day weekend and this is what I wore for the first day of travel and sightseeing. I picked up this top at one of our local thrift stores and couldn't be happier with it. I love the pattern of colors and it's cool and comfortable.

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

The sleeveless trench

Trench- Tommy Hilfiger via Poshmark  option  option  option
blouse- Loft  option
skirt- Target  option
shoes- Payless  option  option
worn May 20, 2015
The trench that I included in my capsule is finally making an appearance. When I decided that I had to have this piece, I went on an all out search and caved in and spent more than I would like to on one piece, even buying second hand on poshmark. I convinced myself it would be very versatile for work and lighter than a blazer when it got warmer, but then I didn't have the courage to wear it because it's so different for me. I'm sure it will gradually see more wear. I had fun wearing it.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mint, black, white and some stripes


Blazer- JCrew factory option  option
blouse- JCPenney  option  option  option
pants- Loft  option  option
shoes- Payless   option
necklace- Forever 21  option  option
Worn May 18, 2015
I've gotten a lot of wear out of these white pants during this capsule. And I'm not going to stop wearing them when it's over. Speaking of ending, I'm going to stop this capsule at the end of this month. I know  I could make another three weeks worth of outfits, but I am so bored with this. I feel like they are just becoming a switch of a bottom or a switch of a top and not really a different outfit. Sometimes a simple switch of a piece is all it takes, but sometimes it's really boring. But there's always striped shoes to combat boredom!

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Sunday Funday* Fashionably Employed* * Mix It Mondays*