Thursday, March 12, 2015

It's all about the shoes

Jacket- thrifted  option  option
blouse- JCPenney  option
pants- Gap
shoes- Payless option
earrings- JCPenney  similar
Worn March 9, 2015
I'm getting bored with my wardrobe. I need for it to officially be spring so I can move on. We are having the weather for spring this week. To curb the boredom, I'm pulling out some of my fun shoes. I pulled out the striped ones this week.
Speaking of spring, I'm been looking over my wardrobe and I have remixed some of those pieces to death over the last three to four years, so I'm itching for some new things. Problem is, I'm not seeing anything I'm really in love with at the stores right now. Can you direct me to some must have pieces?
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