Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Jacket/pants- Loft
necklace- thrifted
Worn Dec. 4, 2013

It's my Loft suit again. I love having a good staple suit in my wardrobe. I also love when I see an outfit that gives me inspiration to pair pieces in my closet and I don't have to purchase a piece to complete the look. This was the case with this Limited look.

I didn't post yesterday. I took a day off to finish some Christmas stuff and made myself stay away from the computer so I would actually get the things done. I never made it back to post. But I'm please to say we are so much closer to being done with the Christmas "stuff". And don't get me wrong- I love CHRISTmas but I grow more and more weary of the traditions just because they are traditions and the rush and the extra work the "holiday" season creates. Christ was born in a manger- so simple. Why can't it be more like that now?

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